on Thursday, The Equity benchmarks have opened the higher note. with the Sense up over 150points in the morning trade, while the Nifty opened above 10700 level. Meantime Sensex gained 200 points at 35400 marks, and the Nifty is up 65 points at 10750. The market breadth is healthy as about 256 shares have advanced, against a decline of 72 shares, while 38 shares are unchanged.
All sectoral indices are trading in the positive note, Bank stock top of the list in gaining today, metals as well as automobiles. Midcaps, too, have seen a strong start; Nifty Midcap index gained over half a percent this morning.
ICICI Bank, IndusInd Bank, and Hindalco gained the most on both indices, while Wipro, Coal India, and Bharti Airtel have lost the most.
Experts Recommendation for Today
Indiabulls Housing: Buy, Stoplaus-1160 Rs, Target 1240 Rs
Thirumalai Chemicals: Buy, Stoploss -1400 Rs, Target-1550 Rs
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Nice Blog..One can get good information about stock market & Trading tips.Thanks
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